At least once a month we come across a breathless article or blog post about the hot growth in #edtech investing. No wonder. From Q2 2014 to Q2 2015, investment was up 96% compared with the previous four quarters. As the most active investor in K-12 #tech companies over the last few years, NewSchools Venture Fund has helped fuel this growth. One thing is clear: broad brush statements about “the market” don’t speak to whether all this investment and #entrepreneurship matters much for kids and teachers.
Consider the following:
Total EdTech investing (K-12, post-secondary, corporate training, informal learning) nearly doubled over the last year. But the number of K-12 investments fell every quarter in 2014.
Investments in companies focused on school operations and other non-instructional use cases swamp investments in digital content for students and classroom supports for teachers.
Within digital content, the growth in math and ELA outstrips other subjects such as science and social studies.
Note: Featured Image credit to
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