To be honest, in most cases it is really easy to convince your closest friends and family members to write you a check, especially when you’re working on “something big” that could change life as we know it. Those who support you unconditionally believe in your potential and would do everything it takes to help you fuel your creative idea, but what about the rest?

How could you convince perfect strangers to get on board and empty their pockets? Here’s the shortest answer to this common question: by creating and distributing a truly original, compelling video. Keep reading to discover a few things that you should know about fun, exciting, low-cost videos that could easily take your online fundraising campaign to the next level.

  1. High-Quality Videos Don’t Have to Burn Deep Holes in Your Pockets

There are numerous impediments that stop campaign developers from rolling out killer videos. Some of them are camera-shy, don’t know how to express their thoughts in front of a large, diverse audience or have very poorly developed communication skills.

The rest are concerned about the costs involved by a video, simply because they know nothing about video production. As a matter of fact, people now have unlimited access to free or inexpensive tools enabling them to create awesome clips in a time and cost-effective manner.

The best part is that you don’t really have to be tech-savvy to come up with more than satisfactory results. All you have to do is unleash your creativity, highlight your passion and motivation and use special software and editing apps to obtain a high-quality, compelling campaign video.

  1. Turn Your Video into an Attention-Grabbing Self-Contained Campaign Pitch

In other words, your video is your first (and probably your most important) chance to interact with your audience. This means that you have to keep it short and simple. Accentuate relevant facts, like who you are, what you do and how your new product is expected to improve the lives of so many people.

Keep in mind the fact that you only have somewhere between 30 and 60 seconds to impress your segment of public and send a powerful message that could make them join your cause.

  1. Focus Your Attention on Important Elements Guaranteeing the Success of Your Video

Creating an amazing campaign video that actually helps you bond with an audience is easy, as long as you know exactly which elements can maximize your odds of success.

  • Location

Remember that the place where you plan to shoot the video should match the attributes of the new product that you’re trying to promote. You have 2 options at hand:

  1. Find a fantastic location
  2. Buy a backdrop (you can find cheap ones on eBay) and turn any location into an ideal setting


  • Sound

Rely on high-quality equipment to ensure a more than satisfactory sound quality. Bad sound will inevitably make you lose a considerable number of supporters.

  • Stable, quality footage

Unstable, low-quality, shaky footage will make you seem like an amateur and will also scare away numerous backers. Count on a tripod to take pride in stable footage and get expert advice from movie directors to obtain professional-looking videos.

  • Narration and video script

Did you know that there is an optimal length for your script? Keep it short and make sure it doesn’t exceed a limit of 400 words. Less would make your pitch incomplete; more would bore your audience to death and make you seem redundant.

Count on Expert Guidance

Don’t know how to create the perfect video for your crowdfunding campaign? In this case, save time and energy by consulting an expert. Rely on L&C Media Buzz, your trusted crowdfunding consulting and promotion specialist, to boost your odds of success and raise capital from perfect strangers, in a timely manner. 

This post was originally published on this site